Let's think about the IRL for just a minute.
The thought of removing Tony George is kind of crazy at this time.
I have to say that I can not even think of a Indy Car Series without Tony.
The thought is not so good for the sport. I know that the sport is in trouble and has it's down sides. Like same engines and frames and tires? The races are like big go carts with some major horse power. Innovation has gone to the wast side, and things are a bit nuts with Brian Bonhart. I was helping someone this year and trying to get this great driver a ride and you would not of believed some of the lies that some of the team owners claimed to this great driver but passed on the driver for someone else that did not have what this driver had in talent but had just a little more money of lies. Brian Bonhart promising team owners free insurance if they go with this or that driver then falling apart because he did not get it approved from the higher up? Brian Bonhart made a lot of promises he just could not keep this year. This is the person that should go not Tony George. Tony George is the man that kept the sport alive to this point. Tony just needs to quit babying this team owners that can not afford to be a team owner. Drivers should be place with team owners that can afford to be a team owner not because I have money and I am a driver syndrome. Milwaukee mile put on another good show this weekend and was very inexpensive to boot. The big three teams were wonderful again. But a side note, AJ Foyt team made a great move by putting Paul Tracy in the car, and I hope he stays their so that team will get back to being one of the greatest team in sports today. Paul Tracy did have a tough day but I think in time this could be a win win situation.
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