Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Fog is lifting!

I was driving east on 16th street from taking my boys to school today. It was just a little fog over the first turn of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, and the sun was trying to peep out through this fog; and that was a beautiful view. I know that this day brings a strong day in my racing world. I have set my goals high, where I know with the Lords help can be achieved over the next few months. I have to help the sponsors generate even more business that they ever thought of, with this new adventure in motorsports. Team managers are going to be put in place. The drivers are selected, with a great balance of professionalism and determined to be a race car driver off of their own talent that the good Lord gave them. Not that they can bring in sponsors, but to be a driver off of their talent. This is the day the fog will be lifted as I felt a warmness come over my business adventures in this racing world. I have been through so much craziness over my dreams of building a great race team. I have had to stay focused every day for this dream to come alive. The right clients, accountant, attorneys, and friends for the best strategy. I feel that we have put the best system in place to move forward.

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