Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Limits only exist in your mind, by: Jim Gandolf

Limits only exist in your mind, by Jim Gandolf

#Focus a minute;

📣 Limits only exist in your mind.
🔌 From the time you start to be creative in any aspect. People are extremely critical of your plan.
📲 The ones close to you become the most critical (Family, friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, and wife), your feelings will become a mess, and you can easily stay in a shell of not wanting to even be the bunt of all jokes. But you are in every aspect of their entertainment.
📚 We become stronger over the mistakes in our creative action. We learn more about what to do and what not to do in this grand plan. We all have had coaches in sports and training, we also have these coaches in business. Like everything in our world, we have good coaches and bad coaches in sports and in business. Experiences in life challenges make sure you have the proper functioning tools to be in the deal.
💹 People will claim to everyone when you are a in a successful atmosphere, how much they know you, and create unwanted attention to themselves over gossip stretched a mile long, about you (Jealousy).
⛔ Don't ever let a so called friend, or foe tell you that, "You are a so called dreamer, joke, unwanted messages of excitement, or you're only going to be less than you're expatations. You have the same chances as anyone else on this planet.
♥ Pray about your creative action to the Lord, and you will have the proper functioning information on track.

#StayStrong #PeaceBeWithYou


Jim Gandolf; Author, "500 Miles the Book"

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