Ok when you look at marketing and sales on the same page then you have a major problem. When you have a new product and trying to establish your brand, you cannot combine both budgets. You will have to find a way to make each department work for your own budget. When you count on building your brand with no money you will have major problems. Your sales team will never get paid because you will have to cut in to your sale to pay for the marketing. Your sales team will go to work for so many other companies that have their act together. Sales are king right now, and that is the only way to establish any product now. Marketing will come after the pre wholesale accounts are closed and on the books. Then you think of point of purchase programs and then creating you marking budget. Yes you can plan for your marketing to increase your sales on a action plan for the client you are selling to. To understand even a deeper plan for sales to interact with marketing is the way your product can even get re-orders for major accounts. Never put the cart before the horse in this action of marketing. You will never get any orders from your sales team, and then say my sales team is not very good and then do a re hire and plan for new sales persons to achieve your goals and not theirs. You will then be the next great idea that failed. Sales can and will rock your world if you pay attention to your surroundings and your sales team. Marketing will be in place as your sales start to happen in all of your sales team will even have very great ideas for marketing when your product becomes a successful proven product for your clients on re-orders. Now everyone will get paid.
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