How can a person see any opportunity if that person just doesn’t see what is even around that person? I can look at many years of explaining something to someone; or to a group of people. It’s the way you can hold on to your emotions in the middle of the explanation of expression to the matter at hand. No matter what you are trying to explain; if you’re human your gut will tremble, your mind will fade to the wrong area. You can even say the wrong thing in the explanation of your point in business. You might even talk about the wrong subject to this group or person. This is all about the qualification process of finding out what are these people are all about? Can they handle you as a business person? Do these people you are explaining your business venture to understand business at all? Why are you explaining any business opportunity with this group of people at all? First of all are they family members? Explaining opportunity’s to friends that never have even owned a business at all? What I am bringing your opportunity is the thought process in all my kind of way of thinking. I found myself explaining myself over and over to many people in business that just does not matter at all. Like at a coffee shop, or a country club. When the night is clear and you’re walking down the street for a little breath of fresh air. A friend sitting in there front yard and asks, “What do you do Jim, work wise?” You can’t be rude can you? If you are in the business of network marketing; you can explain in a brief description of what you do to bring in the income. Everyone is proud of what they do for a living, and that is just fine to explain with the wonderful experience that is for you and your family. This is about the people that want to know what you do to steel your business from you. Why should you have to prove to another business person that your system works? If you get into too many details you can find yourself in a mess. What would be the mess? The mess is this; this person could be asking enough questions to go to another group of people to say. “Yeah; I know Jim Gandolf and he is not on the right path to success with the way they are doing business.” Now just saying that to someone over a few questions and not doing business the right way. Getting the wrong information about the way you do business is a horrible mess. No one needs to know the way you do business unless they are clients. People from the outside of your business would never understand success in your world unless these people are clients. Then you should be under an NDNC, and speak freely on all the processes you go through to succeed. What I run into are people that want to think they can ask me what I do? I tell them,” I am into a few things, why do you ask?” If you know the person they know what you do. If it’s someone you don’t know, why are they asking you anything like that? Do these people even care or are they making small talk? This action depends on the atmosphere you are in, night club, coffee shop, or so on. New people that try to figure you out fast; get rid of fast. If you; are a driven person for that success in the spot light. You have to strive for the positive people. Do not sit there and explain your success to anyone. You are not a university or a college. You have paid your dues. I have won just about every sales contest that I was in; yes I have lost a few too. Unless you are paid to express yourself; keep what you do in sales in a very happy spot in life. Remember when you were down and out? People did not even care about you at all. When you are on top of your game; everyone come out of the woods to get information from you. Just be careful of the motives behind the questions people can throw at you. They will act like they just don’t believe you in the first place. So why give them the pleasure of any thoughts of failure in their mind at all. Most people are comfortable in making others look like nonsense when they are ones doing all the messing up. When other start to gossip about other business people; what are they saying when you are not around? I had to learn that the hard way. Why can certain people not make it out there in the business world? When they start to fail, they start to blame other people; like my wife is giving me trouble and I can’t think. Or I have a sickness in the family. I had a real bad childhood and can’t focus on everything at once. You have to live right now. The passed will get you down in any way you look at the past. You can set goals. Yes you can. But; you need to be in the action of business for right now. There are no guarantees for tomorrow at all. Planning for the right action in business for today can leap you in to the front of your business field every time you step out on to the business stage. Drive the cost down so you can profit. Give your customer no excuses at all. Gain all the knowledge you can about your business to succeed. Understand in your mind what is your level of success; not someone else’s level of success. Get the right team of people around you that can get the job done. Look you can be very comfortable with one goal in your life. Now I can say that there are many goals in my life that I face every day to get the companies out front that I deal with. Drive the cost of goods down; as soon as you can. Look at all your options in every angle of the factor. As my grandfather used to say to me all the time, “Jimmy, business is business, and friends are friends. Keep them always separate, and you will do just fine.” Now the only reason you would ever explain anything about your business to a friend is this; if the friend has known you for a very long time and someone they do business with is asking questions (They just don’t know the answer), your friend feels comfortable enough to ask you a question about your area of expertise. That is safe to everyone involved. I say to everyone always use good judgment. Ask the Lord for guidance all the time. That alone will keep you in a great path.
Jim Gandolf
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