This is a note I want to write about a very good friend. Yes this friend is a strong influence in my life. This is a person that can stand and shout at me to get things right. To focus; on all levels. To answer the phone; if I mess up real bad. This man helped me focus when the world was crashing down on me. He actually told me once to go to the spa while a mess of people was trying to ruin me in business. He paid for me to get a new suit during all of this mess. The wolf’s came to get me, and Big L was standing there with a great plan and great attorneys. Big L; built a great business and is a strong leader in my world. Big L was from the south side of Chicago, but had a base in Milwaukee. I met Big L from the strongest man on the planet. Big D. Yes these men have Big in the front of their names for a reason. You might think that they were gangsters from the streets? Street problems; of a major way? The Big stands for big man on the block? No; I thought that when I met the two. This Big word is a very positive word. Big mind, or Big dreams, and Big heart. This is a street term for my friends. I was a single father in Milwaukee with not much help on people listing to my dreams at all. I had few friends in Milwaukee. I had to make it with my son on my own with the help of a lot of prayer. The Lord put Big L, and Big D in my life to start the transformation of a leaders of all of us three. Now; I won every sales contest I did get in because of Big L. He taught me how to make every day count with sales. Write my goals on the bathroom mirror so I see them every day. I had won every kind of major sales event in sales, and marketing because of this drive Big L pushed into my mind (Big L; was my main coach). Big L made statement in my basement at the time. Jim; get your head out of your rear end and get your freaking book started. No; this was not a friend standing there saying Jim do something. Big L’s eyes have a different look at this time. This was three hundred pounds of a man, wearing 300 thousand dollars of real bling and gold on him. He was not smiling at all. Get your mind on business Jim. He also made a statement on me to get my business on. He looked at Big D, and then said get this man to where I need the man, or I will smack the both of you. Now at this point I did not know if I was going to get shot, or beat up, ten years ago? This was new friendship with a big altitude of a successful man in the making. Nothing was going to get in the way of this man’s success at all. Jail and the streets did not stop this man from getting somewhere. Big L has the Lord in a major way in his life. He is a fighter for the people of broken homes and broken promises. Big L has since moved to Mimi and Atlanta where the head quarter of his company is. Yes I have an office there. I am never there though, but once or twice a year. Yes Big L is a real brother of mine in the Lord. Yes he is in the rap and hip hop, business world. He is one of the largest independent music distributors in the USA. The brand of his world is Udigg Records. People of the streets and poets of our times, you will never find a better safe haven for your world. Now I understand the Lord fights for us all in every way. Now I also believe that the Lord give us great people to help us in every way while we have our minds out of focus. If I was to say to Big L, I am having a hard time right now. Big L just would not say what’s wrong Jimmy? He would be on an air plane in a second I hung up the phone. This friends; is the one person on earth that helped me build a good company with a great group of people. Big L will be coming to most of the races this year in a major way with me. I get to show Big L speed on the concrete. Why not, Big L; owns every kind of super car on the planet. So I am going to show Big L my streets this year, with the help of Tony Marks, and Jaques Lazier. The streets of St Pete, Long Beach, and the streets of Detroit! Daytona Super Speed way! Yes; hello; the Indianapolis five hundred. Yes; Hip Hop is coming to Talladega Speedway! Racing and the rap game will never be the same after this year! Can you Digg It people? I can, because I know one of my friends is Big L.
Jim Gandolf
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