I know that in life their is a time or few that the Lord just does not care about time. You are looking to the start of something great. The Lord doesn't care what is in your way at anytime you have trouble in life. Remember the Red Sea? If you remember the Red Sea history action, the Lords people made it through the sea, but the people after the Lords people did get swallowed and passed away. Now over time people can not be happy with what your doing at all and can drum up anything to bring you down. Now if the Lord is with you, nothing can get in your way at all. When you get to the end of your project you can experience just what I am trying to say. The lord will part your Red Sea when you ask him in his name, plus get rid of the drama that is after you. Look at the Indianapolis motor Speedway just to get the first 500 miles off and running. I cannot believe that most of us in the world thought that the success of the 500 mile sweepstakes(which is the name of the first 500 mile race at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway). I have heard over my years that no one believed in Carl Fisher vision in that race track in Indianapolis, Indiana. Does anyone out their in the world know that the Indianapolis Motor Speedway from the time it was built has never used tax money at all. This has been all the Indianapolis motor Speedway Corporation money. Can you believe that Tony Halman's family back in 1945 when Tony purchased the speedway, thought what was out of his mind buying that crazy old race track with weeds growing throughout the two and a half mile oval? The place was beat up so bad. Tony Halman was a major business man that just did not care what other thought at all. The race track was full the race day 1946 and all the critics were swallowed up as they did get a press pass. When the Lord is involved you just do not have to worry at all. Now I am very proud of the business people and family's that have kept this race track going on it own for 100 years. I know that their have been a few years of the race track just did not have the race there. Even when you go to work you have a few days off for personal time, right? So has the speedway. Now look though 1911- 2011 is going on this year. I just do not think the men in this picture I have put with this story did not even know how importance of that picture would be before the first 500 mile race at Indianapolis?
Jim Gandolf is ready for this birthday party this year!
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