I know that life on 16th street in Speedway Indiana is very calm compared to prior years in the area. Can you even think about the meetings 100 years ago to plan the 500 mile sweepstakes. Even the thought of planing the first 500 mile race between the board of directors at that time in life. I wonder if their was even the master plan of feeding the fans? How would you even plan for the food and beverage if you just do not know how many fans would even show up at all. What a very trying time for the serious board of directors. The safety of the fans, was that even a thought? The crazy tar and gravel that was the surface for the races the last year, and the messes that caused. Now a new surface was in place, the bricks. Three million bricks strong around a two and a half mile oval called the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, with the phrase of "The Greatest Race Track In The World!" But really such a strong statement of excitement for not even understanding how powerful that would live out to all of us fans lives. Would racing even be the same if it was not for Carl Fishers compassion, and forcing James Allison into a great partnership for the ages. If Carl Fisher did not come up with the idea of one great race per year and make it 500 miles, what would Indianapolis Indiana be known for? What would the 500 mile races throughout the USA ever have been thought of at all? I just do not think so, not even any solid business man would of taken such a risk at all. This year before the Indianapolis 500 activities start in May, think about the man from the western part of the State of Indian that in the mid 1940's saved the greatest sport know to man to this date. Tony Halman saved the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and made sure the world knew the track was ready in 1946 for the 500 mile race. Oh my how the fans cheered as they filtered into the race track that race morning in 1946 and many years after that and to even this day. I say look at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway museum in side the track this year and get a great feeling as the track hit 100 years old, and understand the this race did not show up. The Indianapolis 500 has had all it had, it share of growing pains (like any major sport). I have had my share of growing pains at the race track as well. Tony George from the time this man has been alive has been groomed to lead us into racing. Placing Tony George back on the board is the best move a strong leader that we all have over there at a strong group of people. The wind is moving very strong with this 100 year old birthday coming up. Yes we do need cake and ice cream this year. No not really just a solid 500 mile race when the month of May is over and in the history book this year. If you love racing as much as I do just sit back and raise you cup to the sky to the Lord, and say thank you for all the great races that have been won and lost in the center of Indiana since 1911.
Jim Gandolf
1 comment:
Very well said Jimmy. If you are reading this and haven't experienced the Indy 500, I highly recommend visiting it. There is so much nostalgia. The museum is incredible. Also, take a lap around the track on one of the bus tours.
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